Unaxis PECVD System

Manufacturer: Unaxis

The Unaxis 790 Series Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) system is used for the deposition of SiO2 and silicon nitride on a wide variety of substrates and wafers. Its lower temperature deposition allows for thermal management of devices when compared to higher temperature (LPCVD and thermal) deposition systems. The 790 Series systems are designed to provide plasma scientists with a flexible and cost effective platform for parallel plate (capacitively coupled) processes.

The PECVD system is computer based for wafer processing and control of all gasses, timing, and RF power applications. The top electrode is RF powered and the substrate is temperature controlled (up to 350 °C) by means of an embedded resistance heater. The Cortex system software was upgraded in 2023.

Film types available on the PECVD: Si3N4, SiO2 and poly-Si

Gases: SiH4, SF6, N2, N2O, NH3 and He.

Operating Instructions

Operating Instructions